Sunday, December 14, 2014

I wanted to share with everyone about a great video I watched this morning which was a clip from the Oprah Supper Soul Sunday. The take away from that clip was this key questions:

What gives you Life ?

This made me stop and think that I get so wrapped up in the daily routine of life that I forget to ask this question to myself on a daily basis. Our souls need to be feed so we can contribute to the larger world we reside in.

So here are my Life givers:

Yoga=connects me to breath and spirit
Running=releases my energy and unblocks my creativity
Books=ignite ideas and challenge me to be my best
Gardening=shows me the beauty that surrounds us and our connection to this earth
My sister on our road trip through Utah.

I feel warrior II is a great pose because you must ground your feet into the earth, shoot your arms out and hold them strong, look forward beyond your fingers. This pose makes you aware that there is no looking back. You are grounded in the present and challenge yourself to feed your soul and know that whatever the future holds you got this.


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