Thursday, November 22, 2012

Life really speaks if you are listening

So, the Vancouver yoga trip set in motion a chain of events emotionally for me. I was pulled out of the clouds and into a place of sunshine. My mood shifted to the positive, my thoughts were generating positive, and the energy from the yoga conference also brought about peace and joy within my soul. From this I started to ask how can I sustain this feeling of inner joy which is then generated out to the universe.

My sis and I spoke of this new found energy. We set up a path to happiness for me to follow and here they are:

Meditate both am/pm with lit candles at my spiritual alter.
Quit my job
Follow my ayurveda body type, which is vata
Daily yoga in the am before I start my day

So, Monday came and I was nervous to tell my boss I was quitting, yet 10 am roles around. We are in the greenhouse and she says there are more cut backs which I say oh ok, thinking nothing of it. Then she says and your last day is next week. At first I am shocked then I become filled with joy as I told the universe what I wanted and it was granted for me. I can honestly say I have never felt so blessed in my life as I was given signs that this was not my place and magically I am given an empty road where I can draw my own path. As I reflect back on this expereince it is positive and I learned many things, worked with great people and found my passion for great food once again. Yet, I know I am menat to do something else. As I end I want to share photos of my sis and I taking yoga to the streets of Vancouver. These moments were freeing and inspiring to break the norm for myself both inside and out.

Me getting my tree pose on as we check out Gastown

My sis with two on lookers doing the dancer

We had to pose in front of these colorful wall paintings

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